22 brave souls successfully finished the strenuous trek. The best thing in the trek is the team work and support with each other in all the difficulties. Thanks to one and all in making this trek memorable for the life time .
Day 0:
Reached tin factory pick up point by 10 pm and came to know that the transportation vehicles got struck in the traffic due to the heavy rain in the evening. Which gives me an opportunity to capture the light trails
Day 1:
Reached Talakona by morning 7 am and got the trek permissions. After 15 minutes walk, we reached the water fall base.
All the people got busy in photography and enjoying the views of the water fall.
After 15 mins at the base of the water fall, we moved to the bathing point. Where we had a fun and natural massage bath under the water fall.
Finished the breakfast and started the the trek again. After a steep climb, we all reached the top of the water fall posed for a group picture and teh followed by an introduction section.
Encountering of wild life
Then we started walking along the jeep track and take right deviation at the junction of the jeep tracks which pointing towards the “Rudraghaal”. After a 3 hours of trek, we took a left deviation and climbed 900 mt peak. We encountered a fully grown porcupine, which just passed 2 mt away from us. Luckily nothing happed.
Surprises of the trek
Here the actual surprises started, We were supposed to get into the valley and again climb the next hill. When making the trail in Google earth, it looks like the stretch can be possible. But after reaching the place it took very less time to understood that it was not possible. 50 mt vertical drop into a gorge filled with water (Through a dry water fall) and again 200 mt vertical climb. We explored further to find out other possibilities, but no chance.
While making the trail Mudhasasar suggested to keep some alternatives to the trail, so that in case of emergency we can use to exit. Luckily Deepakar carried the survey Map of this mountain range. After reading the map, we choose the alternative jeep route to cross the valley and started moving towards it.
Hunt for the lost camera
On the way, we came to know that Nishant lost his expensive Canon DSLR. Few members started searching for it. I went back and came to know that he left the camera at a place where we took a brake. The grass land looks like similar all the places creating lot of confusion. Here we used the GPS to trail back all along the way which we covered. After 15 mins of search operation we found the camera. Thanks a lot for GPS (Waiting for the party from Nishant).
Finding the jeep trails
Again started the trek and met the jeep trail. After another one hour walk then jeep trail ended. The sun was so harsh on us, water finished and people are hungry. Again search stated for finding out the jeep trail and water resource. 3 people decided to move back to Talakona as they are not confident to make the trek. Other people decided to trek further. After another 2 hours of steep climb, we finally met a jeep trail.
Finding out water resource and camping place
It was 4 pm, no one had lunch as the water with most of the people was consumed. We are loosing the sun light and we had to find water resource. We climbed a steep hill and get down into the valley, expecting that there will be a water stream. But it was a dry stream. Now the time is 5 pm. People drained out because of the steep climbs, lack of water and not having the lunch. After motivating the team, we crossed another vertical hill and ended in another dry stream.
Sun is above to take rest for the day, lot of worries as we didn't find the water resource and a place for camping. All the participants took the torches ready for the night trek. We again climbed another hill and get down into the other side of the valley. The decent was scary getting down with the help of tree roots and the grass. At last we find a small stream in the valley and shouted like we won a gold medal in Olympics. All the people were happy and started having lunch at 6:30 pm.
Now the time for finding a right camping spot for 22 members. Finally Abhinandhan find a nice place for camping. Its just like a stadium dome on top and semi inclined flat surface on bottom. Three side with rock and one side with water stream. Started camp fire and then preparations for the dinner.
Day 2:
Day 2 started with the steep climbs, crossed all the three hills which we trekked and finally hit the jeep trail. Had break fast and starts heading towards the water fall in the jungle. It was a dry trek all the time crossing the dry water streams. By 1 pm, we find a muddy water stream. To survive in the forest, we need food and water. So, we filled the water from the muddy stream.
After another 1 hour trek we find a shed in the forest, might be it is used by the forest department. Here the jeep trail again vanished, people scattered to find out the jeep trail. Finally Deepankar find the jeep trail and started trek along it.
Finding the lost trekkers
On the way, we waited for a regrouping and noticed half of the trekkers lost the trail (Shiva and team). I went back to the earlier point and keep shouting, “Hello guys…Hello guys”. Loosing in this forest is very danger as it is 25 sq.km range with steep climbs and wild life. Finally we find them after 1/2 hour search, regrouped and started to wards the water fall.
After couple of steep climbs and vertical drops, we reached the water stream by 4 pm. After lunch, few opted to stay at a pool and have fun.
Few others opted to trek further to find the water fall. As soon as we reached the water fall, we find a big size rat snakes mating each other. Initially i screamed and by the time i switch on the camera, they ran away. The water fall looks very beautiful with a pool near its base. We had fun for some time in the falls and then returned back to catch the other team having fun at the pool.
After another 1 hours trek, we need to cross the water stream, formed a human chain and passed the luggage.
The team work makes the task very easy and crossed the stream with out any problems.
We find a forest watch tower on the other side of the water stream.
Again search operation started to find the jeep trail, After going through the map, we trekked east side to find the jeep trail. Started moving through dense bamboo bushes and finally we met a jeep trail. The sun down for the day and jeep trail ended after another 1 km. It was pitch dark and we tried to find the jeep trail but unable to make. Finally we decide to trek along the stream.
When we are getting down into the stream, Shilpa lost balance and directly landed on a stone from 10 ft height. Her ankle got twisted and unable to walk. After another 2 km trek along the stream, we find a flat surface rock island and we decided to camp for the day.
Team spirit
We actually planned for a 2 days trek and asked the participants to get 1 1/2 days food. Due to the terrain and change in the trek route we need to cover a longer distance which leads to third day trek. All food with us finished and all are damm hungry. All the members decide to share the rest of food left with us. Collected the remaining food from all the members and shared the same, just like Prasadam at temples.
The camping spot is a flat surface and we noticed lot of wild animal traces. Collected lot of dry wood and set two camp fires. Vivek PC and Vivek bhat woke up all the night to make sure the camp fires are active and watch out for the wild life.
Day 3
We woke up early in the morning. Deepankar and me gone to find the jeep trail while others getting ready to start for the day. We find a jeep trail 500 mt away from the camping spot. 
Arun parthiban got blisters due to the wet shoes. It looks like earth quake in his legs
After another 5 hours of trek, Shilpa’s ankle got twisted twisted again. This time the ankle was swollen and she was unable to walk.
Arun and Abhi assisting her all the way and made a crap bandage from the abhi’s towel. 
Still the pain continues and she started walking like a tortoise. So, finally decided to carry her on a stretcher. made the stretcher with wooden bars and a tarpaulin sheet. 
The team work can make anything things easy. Finally, we bring her from the top of hill to the base.

It was 2 pm, no proper dinner, no proper breakfast, no lunch and water also finished. On the way we find a well with wooden steps, It is like a oyasis in a desert. Happily filled the water and set to go further to find the water reservoir.

After another 1 hours trek, we find the reservoir. Luckily at the same time some villagers collecting mud from the reservoir. After requesting them, they agreed to carry us to the near by village and finally we reached kodur by 4pm.

Finished all the hot vadas, boiled eggs and chicken fry available in granny's small hotel. Next to the hotel there is tamarind tree with lot of Dracula bats. 
Sun set at kodur 
The sad thing is the transport vehicles left on day2 night and we are supposed to choose the public transport. We set to go for tirupati and booked 22 seats in KSRTC volvo. Vivek PC all the way asking me to take him to a hotel where he can get full meals. After ticket booking’s we went to Hotel Dwaraka and had a great dinner after two days. Finally, we all reached Bangalore on day 4.
Thanks for all the participants for supporting us in making the trek memorable for the life time. Special thanks to Deepankar, who who co-organize the trek with me .
An interesting picture in Tirupati Bus stand
Photo credits : Rafi, Vivek, Nagarjuna, Sreeraj, Arun, Nishanth and team.
Here are the photos from my camerahttps://picasaweb.google.com/rafitiens/AdventuresOfVenkateswaraTalakonaToSettiguntaTrek#